The ESEA Title I Reading Improvement Program is a federally funded project that provides supplemental reading instruction to eligible students. Title I offers support to eligible children. Specific and direct supplemental reading instruction in the skill areas of phonics, vocabulary, and comprehension is offered to students in small group settings. Reading specialists work directly with students to strengthen their reading skills and support children as they become proficient independent readers. Parents/guardians are encouraged to become involved in the design of building level Title I Parent Involvement Plans which promote positive communication between the home and school and training opportunities.
Title I Parent Involvement Policy
The Armstrong School District is committed to providing a quality education for every child in the district. When schools and parents form strong partnerships, all children’s potential for academic success improves significantly.
The Armstrong School District will include parents in all aspects of the District’s Title 1program, following all requirements of the Title 1 regulations. The responsibility and accountability for implementing the district-Wide Title 1 Parent Involvement procedures will be shared among the District Title 1 office, the local Title 1 schools, the parents and the community.
Activities and procedures shall be planned and implemented, using meaningful consultation with parents of the Title 1 children.
The Title 1 Parent Involvement procedures will be developed, with help from and distributed to, parents in Title 1 schools. These procedures will be incorporated into the Armstrong School District Title 1 plan.
Parents will give input and be involved in the development of the Title 1 Plan and will be a part of the school review and school improvement procedures.
The Armstrong School District’s Title 1 Parent Involvement program will build the local school’s capacity for strong parent participation. It will provide coordination, support and technical assistance to each Title 1 School in their planning and implementation of an effective Parent Involvement program.
The Armstrong School District’s Title 1 Parent Involvement program will integrate and coordinate with other programs such as ARIN, Head Start, Even Start and other state run preschool programs
The Armstrong School District’s Title 1 Parent Involvement program will conduct an annual evaluation, with parental input, to measure the effectiveness of the procedures of the Parent Involvement program. Barriers to parents who are economically disadvantaged, disabled, have limited English proficiency, are limited in literacy skills, or are part of an ethnic/minority background, will be identified to ensure greater parent participation in school activities. If necessary, after review of the findings of the evaluation, procedures will be revised.
The Armstrong School District Title 1 Staff and the Title 1 Schools will work jointly to ensure effective involvement of parents. They will support partnerships among schools, parents and the communities to improve student achievement. A variety of strategies will be used. Those strategies include: School Parent Involvement policy; an annual meeting with flexible times and locations; staff and parent training which would include planning, preparing, informing and doing; consultation, communication in a form and language that can be understood; school/parent compacts; parent literacy opportunities; workshops on parenting skills; community and business involvement; surveys, evaluation and other ideas as stated in the Armstrong School District’s Title 1 Parent Involvement Program Plan.